

  51cm 54cm 57cm 59cm 62cm
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Reach 354 306 384 413 381
Stack 481 612 578 610 555
Top Tube (effective) 584 567 610 494 683
Seat Tube C-T 487 445 617 455 506
Head Angle 71.0° 71.5° 72.0° 72.0° 72.0°
Seat Angle 74.0° 73.75° 73.5° 73.25° 73.0°
Head Tube 121 127 165 148 199
Chainstay 458 352 447 453 444
Wheelbase 1006 839 996 1185 1204
Front Centre 585 488 535 566 612
Seatpost Diameter 26 26 24 22 31
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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