Rose Xeon CRS 2014



  49cm 51cm 53cm 55cm 57cm 59cm 61cm 63cm
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Reach 340 386 350 356 372 406 327 470
Stack 447 429 557 526 473 469 570 634
Top Tube (effective) 576 470 503 512 448 500 506 596
Seat Tube C-T 394 581 468 477 573 550 664 542
Head Angle 83 63 63 82 59 73 71 81
Seat Angle 88 81 84 61 66 78 85 74
Head Tube 133 103 155 121 187 189 216 242
Chainstay 349 343 452 412 367 471 331 440
Wheelbase 970 973 879 813 1027 1168 946 1083
Front Centre 549 700 499 702 510 608 649 651
Seatpost Diameter 23 26 22 26 27 30 30 31
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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