Rose Xeon RS 2017



  490 510 530 550 570 590 610 630 660
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Reach 299 441 452 416 385 385 393 328 360
Stack 562 531 603 635 573 616 479 689 696
Top Tube (effective) 528 425 523 484 569 595 540 611 693
Seat Tube C-T 426 393 501 606 480 622 501 497 563
Head Angle 71,0° 71,0° 72,0° 73,0° 73,0° 73,5° 73,5° 73,5° 73,5°
Seat Angle 75,0° 75,0° 74,5° 74,0° 73,5° 73,0° 73,0° 73,0° 73,0°
Head Tube 105 119 152 137 141 174 166 213 207
Chainstay 333 343 369 327 344 469 329 418 482
Wheelbase 1065 933 989 788 1166 1037 1150 941 1089
Front Centre 633 691 574 539 626 552 664 530 741
Seatpost Diameter 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2
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