

  49cm 51cm 53cm 55cm 57cm 59cm 61cm 63cm 66cm
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Reach 404 372 416 385 426 435 435 473 391
Stack 566 491 490 482 582 523 580 644 744
Top Tube (effective) 544 540 449 480 549 480 639 530 659
Seat Tube C-T 512 510 520 577 584 481 567 554 593
Head Angle 62 81 63 80 64 86 77 59 59
Seat Angle 81 87 82 85 72 85 58 80 60
Head Tube 148 146 146 147 148 193 168 185 197
Chainstay 330 417 369 339 345 361 470 438 465
Wheelbase 1012 951 1018 1049 814 844 1064 1009 1215
Front Centre 533 512 546 651 546 709 499 626 686
Seatpost Diameter 22 27 25 32 28 26 22 23 23
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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