Rose Xeon Team CGF 2017



  50cm 53cm 55cm 57cm 59cm 61cm 64cm
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Reach 444 432 459 370 456 326 443
Stack 521 502 595 524 627 656 728
Top Tube (effective) 543 440 550 658 630 561 552
Seat Tube C-T 490 549 480 600 459 649 657
Head Angle 71.75° 72.25° 72.5° 73.0° 73.25° 73.25° 73.5°
Seat Angle 75.25° 75.0° 74.5° 74.0° 73.5° 73.25° 73.0°
Head Tube 156 131 182 148 232 257 261
Chainstay 352 422 483 331 457 431 495
Wheelbase 1072 1091 1034 1192 839 1111 1115
Front Centre 685 657 525 671 664 696 703
Seatpost Diameter 27 31 29 32 31 24 27
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