Rose XLITE 06 2022



  50 53 55 57 59 62
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Reach 388 458 458 470 468 486
Stack 587 432 472 648 519 498
Top Tube (effective) 513 471 624 582 580 509
Seat Tube C-T 482 411 469 526 610 620
Head Angle 79 82 66 58 59 85
Seat Angle 65 62 80 85 77 80
Head Tube 104 128 130 131 155 171
Chainstay 453 365 372 332 421 457
Wheelbase 904 1075 944 1022 1143 1069
Front Centre 578 651 585 705 647 579
Standover 704 807 750 717 830 864
BB Height 242 265 306 272 322 234
Fork Rake / Offset 45 45 50 38 51 37
Fork Length (A2C) 349 305 343 322 435 375
Tyre Max Width 31 29 28 29 29 32
Handlebar Width 38 33 38 38 41 46
Stem Length 81 91 89 74 86 94
Rider Inside Leg 73 - 77 78 - 81 82 - 84 85 - 87 88 - 91 92 - 94
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