

  S / 900 M / 900 L / 900 XL / 900
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Reach 415 434 450 398
Stack 596 583 646 586
Top Tube (effective) 675 680 531 667
Seat Tube C-T 377 507 560 515
Head Angle 64 67 54 61
Seat Angle 78 78 61 74
Head Tube 103 112 118 136
Chainstay 473 348 478 489
Wheelbase 1134 1126 1017 1328
Standover 615 819 895 759
BB Drop -68 -70 -50 -70
BB Height 372 324 357 286
Trail 100 120 107 89
Stem Length 50 68 61 71
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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