

  Lady 19" Gent 20" Lady 21" Gent 22" Gent 24"
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Reach 413 433 466 484 458
Stack 573 521 584 654 518
Top Tube (effective) 678 586 495 613 525
Seat Tube C-T 559 491 494 590 575
Head Angle 56 81 79 67 64
Seat Angle 75 82 58 65 85
Head Tube 174 134 127 126 194
Wheelbase 925 1024 915 1025 1011
Fork Rake / Offset 37 32 41 39 40
Axle to Crown 379 397 431 430 393
Data Source Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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