Sensa Livigno SFB 2017



  15" 17" 19" 21"
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Reach 335 436 357 394
Stack 629 637 599 664
Top Tube (effective) 519 681 577 709
Seat Tube C-T 392 459 559 611
Head Angle 60 57 58 81
Seat Angle 80 60 66 79
Head Tube 132 100 141 141
Wheelbase 915 1058 939 1340
Fork Rake / Offset 41 40 37 44
Axle to Crown 440 528 416 410
Wheel Size 650B 650B 650B 650B
Data Source Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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