Sensa Travel Lite 2017



  Lady 19" Lady 21" Gent 20" Gent 22" Lady 23" Gent 24"
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Reach 326 341 438 471 368 343
Stack 659 620 653 497 524 516
Top Tube (effective) 467 655 574 504 680 612
Seat Tube C-T 490 602 461 491 554 584
Head Angle 83 79 77 68 73 61
Seat Angle 68 58 86 66 77 62
Head Tube 155 149 190 194 222 171
Wheelbase 1085 1094 1017 963 946 931
Fork Rake / Offset 44 38 49 46 51 36
Axle to Crown 465 389 491 453 419 380
Data Source Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa Sensa

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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