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Reach 388 445 535 435
Stack 693 612 653 700
Top Tube (effective) 522 514 735 608
Seat Tube C-T 410 447 477 575
Head Angle 59 56 58 78
Seat Angle 67 75 87 74
Head Tube 86 94 128 140
Chainstay 485 520 357 392
Wheelbase 922 1223 1015 1164
Standover 787 706 691 792
BB Drop 41 35 46 44
Fork Rake / Offset 52 46 41 39
Fork Length (A2C) 618 496 474 588
Seatpost Diameter 31,6 31,6 31,6 31,6
Wheel Size 33 31 33 31
Tyre Max Width 2,25 rear 2,25 rear 2,25 rear 2,25 rear
Front Travel 110 123 101 133
Rear Travel 130 125 134 108
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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