

  49 52 54 56 58
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Reach 338 410 401 403 466
Stack 468 629 508 585 569
Top Tube (effective) 559 549 456 637 553
Seat Tube C-T 399 533 624 558 588
Head Angle 74 77 74 86 58
Seat Angle 81 84 86 84 82
Head Tube 89 109 148 136 197
Chainstay 446 499 401 464 447
Wheelbase 816 932 1189 976 1199
Front Centre 677 509 513 679 631
Standover 798 926 939 963 871
BB Drop 86 86 77 76 60
BB Height 339 236 252 270 301
Fork Rake / Offset 46 40 43 43 54
Trail 84 65 62 51 66
Fork Length (A2C) 366 422 365 408 330
Seatpost Length 338 304 310 404 396
Handlebar Width 410 382 453 499 362
Stem Length 62 71 87 105 110
Crank Length 187 182 176 196 159
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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