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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
Fork Rake / Offset
Seatpost Length
Handlebar Width
Stem Length
Crank Length
Data Source
  46 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 441 332
Stack 49 59 54 636 473
Top Tube (effective) 453 597 538 557 602 659 612
Seat Tube C-T 484 540 510 572 655 465 703
Head Angle 69.5° 70.5° 71.5° 71.5° 72° 72.5° 73°
Seat Angle 75.5° 75.5° 74° 73.5° 73.25° 73° 72.5°
Head Tube 112 137 107 142 163 179 166
Chainstay 416 454 464 416 437 468 505
Wheelbase 928 844 896 853 1091 1006 890
Front Centre 681 605 520 485 716 562 705
Standover 865 618 907 738 768 769 746
BB Drop 75 71 70 60 64 72 78
Fork Rake / Offset 58 51 55 41 54 39 41
Trail 76 72 65 56 62 47 57
Seatpost Length 288 320 398 408 300 285 319
Handlebar Width 381 320 389 383 496 370 363
Stem Length 62 87 102 74 106 109 116
Crank Length 179 159 146 178 186 202 186
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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