Specialized Crux 2019



  46 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 357 298 406 370 393 447 332
Stack 474 634 473 608 497 714 645
Top Tube (effective) 424 531 467 484 673 634 662
Seat Tube C-T 490 393 519 546 653 458 690
Head Angle 68 60 84 63 66 76 78
Seat Angle 73 82 66 78 73 87 65
Head Tube 119 103 122 141 161 159 196
Chainstay 390 505 437 460 362 414 344
Wheelbase 1147 922 942 910 1065 985 861
Front Centre 548 540 694 687 532 605 514
Standover 800 927 897 837 962 991 801
BB Drop 65 65 63 66 73 66 65
BB Height 292 241 273 336 289 239 258
Fork Rake / Offset 46 43 44 58 40 55 41
Trail 89 66 53 55 74 59 61
Fork Length (A2C) 408 364 368 379 335 446 372
Seatpost Length 416 407 351 412 299 292 380
Handlebar Width 432 440 367 395 410 466 412
Stem Length 68 75 86 102 83 121 91
Crank Length 199 142 164 173 189 190 185
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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