Specialized Dolce Sport Compact 2012



  44 48 51 54 57
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Reach 329 341 347 296 346
Stack 464 540 502 548 477
Top Tube (effective) 554 476 569 487 555
Seat Tube C-C 392 379 374 485 435
Head Angle 75 60 64 66 79
Seat Angle 77 84 63 69 78
Head Tube 139 143 152 148 193
Chainstay 394 385 443 356 497
Wheelbase 946 1048 995 959 1191
Front Centre 493 585 477 664 658
Standover 647 670 597 650 947
BB Drop 66 72 59 81 62
Fork Rake / Offset 47 47 59 55 58
Trail 73 66 65 52 50
Seatpost Length 252 416 329 300 354
Handlebar Width 394 343 352 449 446
Stem Length 73 74 86 89 88
Crank Length 164 143 137 142 207
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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