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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
BB Height
Fork Rake / Offset
Fork Length (A2C)
Tyre Max Width
Seatpost Length
Handlebar Width
Stem Length
Crank Length
Data Source
  44 49 52 54 56 58 61 64
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Reach 400 404 320 419 381 444 436 378
Stack 581 535 675 660 699 672 627 665
Top Tube (effective) 585 503 462 591 554 599 703 543
Seat Tube C-T 336 371 488 465 453 602 502 608
Head Angle 56 61 59 85 68 77 78 63
Seat Angle 62 65 73 68 83 76 65 86
Head Tube 100 114 114 132 121 188 233 243
Chainstay 431 443 346 476 383 465 335 391
Wheelbase 971 837 1167 993 984 963 994 924
Front Centre 496 532 549 678 679 525 683 641
Standover 590 636 719 648 698 821 982 717
BB Drop 85 88 62 81 72 68 64 87
BB Height 246 258 283 265 246 275 245 237
Fork Rake / Offset 59 56 48 37 49 40 35 48
Trail 72 53 48 55 65 57 43 42
Fork Length (A2C) 353 374 405 317 352 379 367 301
Tyre Max Width 140 156 170 170 119 133 122 165
Seatpost Length 360 422 316 347 308 414 502 522
Handlebar Width 358 344 366 472 343 501 460 430
Stem Length 82 80 96 113 99 119 116 123
Crank Length 188 192 191 204 159 157 143 173
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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