Specialized Roubaix Pro 2020



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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
BB Height
Fork Rake / Offset
Fork Length (A2C)
Seatpost Length
Handlebar Width
Stem Length
Crank Length
Data Source
  44 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 411 399 415 359 459 439 366
Stack 625 567 534 573 558 695 724
Top Tube (effective) 443 626 528 486 469 497 689
Seat Tube C-T 402 440 529 382 563 478 620
Head Angle 67 79 59 64 59 75 74
Seat Angle 76 72 77 84 87 65 62
Head Tube 78 82 90 145 130 197 172
Chainstay 409 399 403 488 442 352 394
Wheelbase 827 1025 1097 1001 1150 1017 1176
Front Centre 629 550 477 586 597 531 526
Standover 717 756 887 648 848 719 941
BB Drop 77 81 66 70 65 62 69
BB Height 302 253 248 304 240 274 229
Fork Rake / Offset 46 55 40 38 35 38 39
Trail 61 59 70 56 44 62 55
Fork Length (A2C) 430 370 319 313 359 383 375
Seatpost Length 406 328 395 400 419 424 491
Handlebar Width 430 307 456 440 453 410 382
Stem Length 59 70 83 85 80 111 89
Crank Length 158 146 199 197 196 189 201
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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