Specialized S-Works Diverge 2023



  49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 298 393 455 454 421 416
Stack 480 495 668 577 528 580
Top Tube (effective) 517 483 641 630 665 720
Seat Tube C-T 325 511 484 581 602 561
Head Angle 72 59 73 74 58 73
Seat Angle 63 61 86 61 63 71
Head Tube 115 97 115 159 133 204
Chainstay 360 358 406 503 471 449
Wheelbase 907 1015 1195 1215 1011 1023
Front Centre 682 657 743 661 624 732
Standover 695 610 805 896 703 857
BB Drop 65 90 94 91 75 73
BB Height 280 258 233 226 246 291
Fork Rake / Offset 57 44 47 56 59 61
Trail 61 55 58 60 55 52
Fork Length (A2C) 336 327 377 374 379 317
Seatpost Diameter 29 24 31 31 30 28
Axle Spacing 12x142 12x142 12x142 12x142 12x142 12x142
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 41 43 38 38 46 52
Seatpost Length 337 389 341 420 420 346
Handlebar Width 397 359 393 490 371 468
Stem Length 67 93 82 119 98 111
Stem Angle -5 -5 -5 -4 -4 -6
Crank Length 180 174 174 199 202 187
Front Travel 16 23 23 22 17 22
Seat Clamp 33 25 36 30 30 35
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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