Specialized Specialized Roubaix SL8 Comp 2023



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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
BB Height
Fork Rake / Offset
Fork Length (A2C)
Seatpost Length
Handlebar Width
Stem Length
Crank Length
Data Source
  44 49 52 54 56 58 61 64
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Reach 346 404 353 436 320 374 474 409
Stack 615 587 657 496 695 584 643 764
Top Tube (effective) 437 450 433 511 568 556 609 660
Seat Tube C-T 364 378 383 499 433 410 490 658
Head Angle 61 82 83 82 70 59 76 73
Seat Angle 89 84 59 80 63 68 75 78
Head Tube 93 81 93 117 145 174 212 206
Chainstay 401 434 402 386 413 377 489 497
Wheelbase 831 1062 850 820 1212 1076 1018 930
Front Centre 620 616 652 486 586 638 746 659
Standover 579 794 692 903 662 864 1013 1011
BB Drop 85 83 71 86 71 93 63 75
BB Height 259 249 301 302 227 299 229 255
Fork Rake / Offset 47 48 48 43 39 44 47 53
Trail 90 66 57 58 51 56 45 47
Fork Length (A2C) 330 309 331 395 385 449 356 351
Seatpost Length 369 398 413 441 314 367 467 515
Handlebar Width 389 372 439 491 466 445 404 360
Stem Length 61 66 79 105 92 107 104 107
Crank Length 190 150 140 186 139 182 169 192
Data Source Specialized Specialized Specialized Specialized Specialized Specialized Specialized Specialized

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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