Taisheng TSS881 2020



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Reach 450 414 366
Stack 729 724 575
Top Tube (effective) 505 697 590
Seat Tube C-T 342 483 546
Head Angle 61 66 67
Seat Angle 83 85 61
Head Tube 152 165 134
Chainstay 549 557 549
Wheelbase 1398 1291 1196
Front Centre 640 655 792
Fork Length (A2C) 625 528 493
Axle Spacing 12x148 12x148 12x148
Wheel Size 29*2.35 27.5*3.0 29*2.35 27.5*3.0 29*2.35 27.5*3.0
Tyre Max Width 3 2 2
Front Travel 173 128 152
Rear Travel 143 121 174
Shock Size 185x55mm trunnion 185x55mm trunnion 185x55mm trunnion
Headset FSA 57 FSA 57 FSA 57
Seat Clamp 32 30 29
Frame Weight 3350g
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Bafang M500 M600 motor carbon frame

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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