Tavelo Wild 2023



  46 49 51 53 56
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Reach 312 330 405 400 410
Stack 464 611 551 672 495
Top Tube (effective) 433 499 453 486 593
Seat Tube C-T 370 535 581 439 654
Head Angle 70,5 78 81 71,5 71,5
Seat Angle 74,5 74,5 73,5 73,5 73,5
Head Tube 95 133 138 156 205
Chainstay 353 450 379 468 398
Wheelbase 1059 848 1080 1056 1265
Front Centre 601 612 613 576 686
BB Drop 77 71 75 73 80
BB Type BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86
Fork Rake / Offset 48 43 43 57 44
Fork Length (A2C) 473 461 373 368 350
Seatpost Diameter 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 50 52 51 42 51
Data Source Distributor Distributor Distributor Distributor Distributor

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