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Reach 390 421 393 455 460
Stack 601 523 657 523 723
Top Tube (effective) 458 562 488 585 653
Seat Tube C-T 445 379 424 556 452
Head Angle 78 75 56 76 59
Seat Angle 71 86 83 82 85
Head Tube 103 119 149 152 189
Chainstay 506 475 378 428 457
Wheelbase 923 1109 1184 1164 1083
Front Centre 549 531 513 714 551
BB Drop 75 56 56 63 75
Fork Rake / Offset 39 43 46 46 39
Fork Length (A2C) 402 328 333 460 364
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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