Triban GRVL 520 Apex1 2021



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Reach 430 328 415 329 449
Stack 554 435 535 497 568
Top Tube (effective) 422 528 484 625 476
Seat Tube C-T 463 433 528 452 480
Head Angle 70 68 58 71 66
Seat Angle 62 62 70 66 83
Head Tube 120 145 169 192 242
Chainstay 465 447 467 341 426
Wheelbase 1110 1170 928 918 1089
Seatpost Diameter 24 22 27 23 25
Wheel Size 650b 650b 650b 650b 650b
Tyre Max Width 700x42c, 650bx47 700x42c, 650bx47 700x42c, 650bx47 700x42c, 650bx47 700x42c, 650bx47
Seatpost Length 354 326 373 414 337
Handlebar Width 362 391 365 361 428
Stem Length 60 63 77 104 91
Crank Length 141 166 196 159 182
Rider Height 155-166 166-173 173-181 181-186 189-196
Frame Weight 1848
Bike Weight 12125
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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