Triban GRVL 900 Ti Mens 2021



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Reach 361 346 448 329 326
Stack 614 558 572 694 540
Top Tube (effective) 534 552 476 635 638
Seat Tube C-T 467 427 489 444 470
Head Angle 57 65 69 75 72
Seat Angle 61 80 83 64 62
Head Tube 85 122 128 167 184
Chainstay 349 412 404 437 396
Wheelbase 827 1137 1065 1034 1187
Seatpost Diameter 23 30 29 30 24
Wheel Size 700x22c 700x22c 700x22c 700x22c 700x22c
Tyre Max Width 700x45c, 650bx50 700x45c, 650bx50 700x45c, 650bx50 700x45c, 650bx50 700x45c, 650bx50
Seatpost Length 323 288 348 323 410
Handlebar Width 423 391 384 374 397
Stem Length 56 62 71 74 81
Crank Length 178 138 159 202 175
Frame Weight 1561
Bike Weight 11339
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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