Van Nicholas Chinook 2017



  500 520 540 560 580 600 620
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Reach 343 397 415 363 351 336 466
Stack 430 587 489 676 583 666 606
Top Tube (effective) 483 572 612 518 652 522 557
Top Tube (actual) 490 507 481 601 648 481 662
Seat Tube C-T 491 422 519 463 676 548 685
Seat Tube C-C 421 552 577 533 485 556 656
Head Angle 76 80 72 66 86 78 85
Seat Angle 87 64 71 83 62 75 62
Head Tube 125 97 148 139 184 198 222
Wheelbase 915 905 926 841 901 1191 1124
Front Centre 597 528 543 491 696 504 677
Standover 882 655 646 770 709 966 774
BB Drop 72 64 70 82 71 76 77
Fork Rake / Offset 37 36 41 48 43 43 40
Crank Length 431 399 479 360 431 482 449
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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