

  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 413 323 341 434 453 393
Stack 518 515 616 618 601 607
Top Tube (effective) 571 511 526 575 469 567
Seat Tube C-T 497 585 456 573 691 613
Head Angle 63 62 85 82 60 58
Seat Angle 66 78 81 86 73 64
Head Tube 108 115 133 145 209 179
Chainstay 420 440 457 388 398 449
Standover 618 855 684 804 747 724
BB Drop 82 72 55 65 71 58
Fork Rake / Offset 46 50 49 51 52 43
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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