

  S (15in) M (16.5in) L (18in) XL (18in)
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Reach 453 504 408 526
Stack 589 646 657 654
Top Tube (effective) 637 619 534 664
Seat Tube C-T 433 480 388 392
Head Angle 73 61 57 69
Seat Angle 71 87 84 60
Head Tube 110 107 117 138
Chainstay 394 409 378 430
BB Drop 52 64 55 65
Fork Rake / Offset 48 44 50 43
Seatpost Diameter 33 26 34 25
Seatpost Length 328 363 432 436
Handlebar Width 694 875 869 798
Stem Length 44 55 50 59
Crank Length 154 173 200 197
Front Travel 139 100 109 116
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Shared with me by manufacturer, not yet on website.

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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