

  S (16in) M (18in) L (20in) XL (22in)
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Top Tube (effective) 621 584 574 736
Seat Tube C-C 370 526 507 617
Head Angle 55 57 56 75
Seat Angle 85 88 61 61
Head Tube 96 116 110 176
Chainstay 489 493 376 372
BB Drop 48 54 43 46
Tyre Max Width 720 - 15 740 - 15 740 - 15 740 - 15
Seatpost Length 380 339 377 460
Stem Length 51 49 46 41
Crank Length 137 189 197 180
Front Travel 134 140 140 100
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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