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Reach 411 388 358 406
Stack 465 505 526 512
Top Tube (effective) 452 518 434 585
Seat Tube C-T 426 559 537 512
Seat Tube C-C 401 491 355 480
Head Angle 83 62 73 79
Seat Angle 84 87 63 78
Head Tube 117 131 159 154
Chainstay 413 376 465 486
Wheelbase 1002 991 1083 911
Front Centre 496 509 612 616
Standover 690 723 693 699
BB Drop -63 -59 -83 -57
BB Height 298 275 312 306
Fork Rake / Offset 38 40 45 38
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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