

  430 455 485
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Reach 365 437 458
Stack 562 666 607
Top Tube (effective) 576 592 738
Seat Tube C-T 424 416 541
Head Angle 66° 66° 66°
Seat Angle 75.5° 75.5° 75.5°
Head Tube 124 127 155
Chainstay 376 448 438
Wheelbase 1318 1330 1413
BB Drop 0 0 0
BB Height 286 390 283
Seatpost Diameter 32 36 29
Axle Spacing 142mm x 12mm 142mm x 12mm 142mm x 12mm
Wheel Size 23 28 25
Front Travel 140mm 140mm 140mm
Rear Travel 140mm 140mm
Shock Size 210mm x 55mm 210mm x 55mm 210mm x 55mm
Headset 44mm top/56mm bottom 44mm top/56mm bottom 44mm top/56mm bottom
Seat Clamp 34.9mm 34.9mm 34.9mm
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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