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Reach 453 410 553 424
Stack 704 689 621 653
Top Tube (effective) 584 609 522 747
Seat Tube (effective) 345 409 405 438
Head Angle 54 76 59 55
Seat Angle 68 80 92 74
Head Tube 100 110 96 118
Chainstay 456 425 377 377
Wheelbase 1452 1248 1375 1046
BB Drop 28 23 27 33
BB Height 295 289 330 338
BB Type Pressfit 41x92 Pressfit 41x92 Pressfit 41x92 Pressfit 41x92
Fork Rake / Offset 38 50 44 46
Seatpost Diameter 30 24 30 32
Axle Spacing Boost 148x12 Boost 148x12 Boost 148x12 Boost 148x12
Wheel Size 29 32 27 25
Tyre Max Width 2 2 2 2
Max Post Insertion 175 229 235 231
Rear Travel 142 145 152 156
Shock Size 230x65 230x65 230x65 230x65
Headset Semi-Integrated ZS44/ZS56 Semi-Integrated ZS44/ZS56 Semi-Integrated ZS44/ZS56 Semi-Integrated ZS44/ZS56
Seat Clamp 37 32 28 33
Frame Weight 4219 4211 4763 3692
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Frame only. Also available 27.5 and Mullet. Recommended fork Travel 150-170mm. Optional Rear shock 230x60 for 150mm of rear travel

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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