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  Canyon Aeroad
2011: L

Cannondale Topstone 1
2022: MD

Cannondale Topstone 1
2022: LG

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Choose Baseline
Reach 356 441 431
Stack 487 531 680
Top Tube (effective) 640 527 569
Seat Tube C-T 628 538 635
Head Angle 73.25° 64 67
Seat Angle 73.5° 62 86
Head Tube 161 120 164
Chainstay 449 472 440
Wheelbase 1030 1049 1256
Front Centre 501 589
Standover 925 888
BB Drop 78 80
BB Height 242 294
Fork Rake / Offset 44 59
Trail 75 69
Stem Length 110/420
Crank Length 172,5
  Canyon Aeroad
2011: L
Cannondale Topstone 1
2022: MD
Cannondale Topstone 1
2022: LG
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