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  Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc 2021
Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc 2021
  Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc
2021: M

Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc
2021: S

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Choose Baseline
Reach 398 360
Stack 557 485
Top Tube (effective) 657 527
Seat Tube C-T 491 476
Head Angle 72 62
Seat Angle 84 81
Head Tube 167 116
Chainstay 456 363
Wheelbase 1039 798
Standover 790 742
BB Drop 82 77
Fork Rake / Offset 41 40
Trail 55 68
Wheel Size 700C 700C
Tyre Max Width 28 36
Seatpost Offset -5/+15mm
Handlebar Width 410 476
Stem Length 93 100
Crank Length 155 184
  Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc
2021: M
Giant TCR Advanced 2 Disc
2021: S
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