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Lynskey R500 Disc 2020
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  Lynskey R300 Disc
2022: M

Lynskey R500 Disc
2020: M

Ventum GS1
2022: M

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Choose Baseline
Reach 425 456 397
Stack 513 562 582
Top Tube (effective) 600 558 475
Seat Tube C-T 406 411 523
Head Angle 73 70 69
Seat Angle 73 71 86
Head Tube 137 124 103
Chainstay 444 484 479
Wheelbase 981 935 1053
Front Centre 554 650 682
Standover 902 898 898
BB Drop 75 79 72
Fork Rake / Offset 53 53 45 - 50
Trail 81.2 - 76.5
Fork Length (A2C) 336
Seatpost Diameter 31
Axle Spacing 158
Wheel Size 700C
Tyre Max Width 32
Seatpost Length 285
Rider Height 168-173 5'6" - 5'8"
Frame Weight 2 4
  Lynskey R300 Disc
2022: M
Lynskey R500 Disc
2020: M
Ventum GS1
2022: M
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