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  Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 2021
Cannondale SuperSix EVO 2021
Cannondale SuperSix EVO 2021
  Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7
2021: 54

Cannondale SuperSix EVO
2021: 51

Cannondale SuperSix EVO
2021: 54

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Choose Baseline
Reach 400 368 433
Stack 597 565 454
Top Tube (effective) 478 485 467
Seat Tube C-T 542 430 480
Head Angle 62 80 74
Seat Angle 74 83 83
Head Tube 148 145 169
Chainstay 451 376 462
Wheelbase 1170 908 941
Front Centre 520 585 560
Standover 880 890 738
BB Drop 60 71 78
BB Height 275 298 234
Fork Rake / Offset 38 58 50
Trail 52 60 49
Fork Length (A2C) 429
Wheel Size 700c
Seatpost Length 402
Handlebar Width 365
Stem Length 113
Crank Length 146
  Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7
2021: 54
Cannondale SuperSix EVO
2021: 51
Cannondale SuperSix EVO
2021: 54
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