

  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Top Tube (effective) 594 542 632 494 612 491
Seat Tube C-T 482 534 485 595 592 583
Head Angle 75 76 74 59 85 75
Seat Angle 87 60 67 68 62 82
Head Tube 129 144 170 183 214 182
Chainstay 488 455 492 437 350 345
Wheelbase 1163 1091 1002 1073 1097 820
Standover 586 749 742 955 814 780
BB Height 309 297 247 285 224 288
Fork Rake / Offset 47 41 38 37 43 43
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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