

  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Top Tube (effective) 439 475 614 654 627 498
Seat Tube C-T 398 371 401 527 453 545
Head Angle 77 65 58 80 60 77
Seat Angle 86 78 62 82 84 85
Head Tube 142 149 167 144 199 231
Chainstay 337 393 372 444 456 396
Wheelbase 1071 1095 1100 1042 867 1107
Standover 867 631 867 647 806 807
BB Height 258 242 275 218 223 218
Fork Rake / Offset 44 42 37 39 43 41
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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