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  Giant TCR Advanced Pro 2019
Giant Defy Advanced Pro 2019
  Giant TCR Advanced Pro
2019: M

Giant Defy Advanced Pro
2019: M

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Reach 400 354
Stack 520 563
Top Tube (effective) 534 612
Seat Tube C-T 397 416
Head Angle 73.0° 72.5°
Seat Angle 73.0° 73.5°
Head Tube 125 191
Chainstay 430 491
Wheelbase 1031 857
Standover 691 688
BB Drop 56 88
Fork Rake / Offset 38 48
Trail 46 66
Wheel Size 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 32c
Handlebar Width 501 379
Stem Length 93 112
Crank Length 163 163
  Giant TCR Advanced Pro
2019: M
Giant Defy Advanced Pro
2019: M
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